Saturday, 29 August 2015

Last night: Clubbing or Dancing

Sometime ago a friend of mine said he works six days a week and as such he needs to relax over the weekend and let out some steam. And he does that by going clubbing. So I asked him how the clubbing aids in his de- stressing. He said he dances at the club and drinks. He claimed it's the dancing that's therapeutic. This brought to my mind something my mother had said a long time ago about when they were serving in Kaduna state, Nigeria. She said they used to go dancing during the weekends and their Hausa counterparts- the ladies- would tie wrappers and come to the club. The southerners found it ludicrous though but who cared? somehow the attire of the northern ladies didn't hamper them from dancing and having a good time. They looked forward to this dancing when they could be free. There was a song then that they used to sing "Umu yeneke kampala timu Unek" Kampala material was the rave then and the song translates to " if you don't have Kampala, don't come dancing" it's funny though, because one does not really need a particular kind of dress to dance well, except you're competing or having a presentation. Other than the garment being free enough for you to move you're good to go. That's a key word Free. Dancing is a freeing experience. So what has changed? Well, apparently a lot. simple dancing as a word is no longer acceptable, there must be an elaborate word now to describe a simple hair letting down fun thing . It's said what happens in a club is synonymous with what happens in Vegas- it stays there. So why don't we refer to dancing anymore as just dancing? Could it be because not a lot of dancing actually gets done in the clubs anymore? I decided to go dancing myself recently and break out some sweat and my newly acquired Latin moves, I noticed somethings... first, the music is deafening and one gets the feeling that those bartenders with the cute costumes will be needing hearing aid in not too distant time- one of their many job hazards- two, once a lady hits the dance floor, men just assume it's an open invite to come grope her all in the name of dancing and a new phenomenon or is it: all the men want to "dance" behind the lady so they can rub their groins against her butt endlessly to what purpose exactly? Isn't there a difference between dancing and groping? maybe the too loud music is intentional because it ensures you have to speak directly into your partner's ears, more groping, or no talking allowed here and then some just come in and buy drinks at exorbitant prices and consume without ever getting out of their seats, why not just buy the drinks at the normal prices outside and sit in your house to drink anyway? they leave the club fatter than they came. Back to the dancing, none actually gets done, you or your partner spend most of the time fending off would be gropers. At the end not a lot of freeing spirited sweat breaking dance is done, just a pure waste of valuable sleep time.