No matter how well dressed a person is, the packaging is not complete without the fragrance. It's so offensive when you sit next to a person who looks well groomed yet stinks, it negates the grooming. The way you smell should be a signature with you. I just feel that we should all have signature fragrances, though they may vary but should be consistent. Starting from the top.........
THE HAIR: If you keep braids, serious care of the hair has to come into play. Constant wrapping or tying the hair or packing with night cap(some people do not seem to know when to use these, they put them on the whole day) tends to make the hair smell offensive. During active times of the day, you're bound to sweat on the scalp and if you don't allow it to dry , but just put a night cap over it immediately you get back, the sweat is retained in the hair and it's kind of like steaming only this time without the beneficial effects., the hair will stink. Secondly, do not leave the weave or braid in for too long as this can even damage your hair. Most hair care product range have hair sprays that can be used to help the hair smell good, if you can't find a particular one you can as well use good ole perfume or body spray, get a little in there, it makes a world of difference.
THE BODY: starting with proper bath( well maybe I'll write about bathing soon, it'll be fun) and cream( necessary) the body needs nourishment. These are the barest must haves: deodorant is extremely essential, it's importance cannot be overemphasized, must must have, a little but powerful miss deodorant, the body spray and perfumes follow after....
THE MOUTH: m.o is a definite turn off not matter your personality and it's so easy to take care off. To have that advert smile and confidence you need to take your oral hygiene serious. First off is the brushing; when brushing, it's not only the teeth that are dirty, the tongue, the inside cheeks have to also be brushed and the lips as well. Rinse properly with a lot of water, gurgle occasionally with salt water or with mouth rinse and tara you have the freshest breath you've ever desired....
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