Friday, 6 September 2013

My Magic Wand

While surreptitiously following a bbm group chat of some friends, this question just announced itself in my heart "IF you could change the world, how would you go about it?". The first thing that came to my mind was a magic wand(too much cartoon influence I guess -and I have had my fair share - Voltron,Superman, wonder woman,Cinderella, Aladdin,Tom and Jerry, Ben 10, Mickey mouse...). What would I do with the wand? well, I'll wave it as I have often seen it being done in my favorite Cartoons to make everything alright. In Cinderella; the fairy godmother with a wave of her wand gave Cinderella everything : a throne without enemies, wealth plus Prince charming all in one package.I'll start with my generation: a damaged,abandoned, drowned careless generation struggling to break the surface of the water and to breathe. Those who have been lucky enough to break the surface are seemingly thriving but so few of them, then there are those grabbing at anything and everything in site, ruthlessly taking down any form of resistance in their path and not counting the cost at all.
However, the major problem as I see it is the 99% who are not even aware of where they are or what is going on ; Sad really because we are looked on as the "lucky" generation with so much information at our fingertips. But if you do not know what to do with the information, what use is it to you having it? none! none at all, on the contrary the information has been the 'undoing factor' putting a knife in a child's reach and saying "knives can cut.." plus the erroneous assumption of my generation that the elders will gladly move over and let us take control because we are the future leaders- I don't even want to go there- but if a statement credited recently to former president Olusegun Obasanjo in which he said the youths have failed or if at eighty nine Robert Mugabe still considers himself fit to lead and has purportedly won a seventh term...need I say more?
Then I'll move to the younger generations and change their DNA(Deoxyribonucleic acid) completely in case these disease is in the genes so we don't end up breeding the same destructive entities, and as for the older generations? for a long time I've thought that the Charles Taylor's modus operandi is the best method to employ after forgiving them of course- I mean we're not beasts- but then seeing the aftermath of Spartacus' season one last episode I have my doubts,  so, I think we'll probably put the older generations in a cube and leave them in space to wander for a while until we decide what to do with them....

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