Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas

 Was Jesus really born 25th of December or was the date appropriated from a Greek god's celebration day? I don't know and I truly don't care. The intellectuals of the world will continue to do the research and i'm happy to let them.
However, I am so glad that Jesus was born no matter the date.
He was born.
I am glad about the hope, Joy, redemption and Salvation that only this kind of birth has brought to me.
I am glad that this life is not all that there is.
In the past several months I have had cause to keep saying "Thank God for Jesus" because I know that without him life would have been miserable and hopeless. Maybe that's why people commit suicide- young and old- , maybe that's why people kill others in the hope that there will be a better somewhere.
I am glad that Jesus does not expect me to earn his love.
I am glad that God through this same Jesus has freely given me access to him the source of everything. A God whose love is all encompassing, not earned or merited but freely given.
I am glad that God does not want me to fight for or defend him...
 He fights His own battles and He has never lost.
As I write this, I remember the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance...and I am so glad to be on the side of these powerful cannot be defeated trio of Father, Son and the holy spirit.
Alliances are significant.
So, whatever you believe, from a very Merry grateful heart I wish you a wonderful Christmas.

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